August 28, 2009
College Station, TX

KeyTrak, Inc. announces the release of a new package tracking feature available to multifamily, government, education, medical and commercial KeyTrak customers running on Version 8.0X. PackageTrak gives KeyTrak users the option to track packages delivered to their property minimizing lost, misplaced or unclaimed packages, as well as legal suits that may result. By using a variety of flexible options, KeyTrak allows managers to track packages from the moment they arrive on the property until they are picked up by the intended recipient.

The PackageTrak system can operate on either the KeyTrak PC or any PC using Web Plus. Packages containing barcodes from most large carriers such as FedEx, UPS, USPS and DHL are scanned using the barcode reader attached to the PC. The barcode reader retrieves the Package ID or barcode information, and once it is entered, the user can find and link the intended recipient and/or their location to the package.

A notification can be sent to let the recipient know they have a package waiting for them. The system can provide notification either by printing a notification letter for the recipient or by sending an email notification. Additionally, the system can be programmed to send another customizable notification if the package is not picked up by a certain time on a certain day.

To ensure the correct person picks up the correct package, the barcode on the package can be rescanned and verified when the recipient claims the package. The system can also be configured to prompt for a signature upon package pickup using the signature pad, also connected to the PC. Additionally, a receipt can be printed to provide a hardcopy of the details associated with the claiming of the package.

PackageTrak users also have the option of running reports detailing package activity, including a list of packages that have not yet been picked up. The number of undelivered packages is also conveniently available as a hyperlink in the system summary portion of the KeyTrak application.

Losing tenants' packages decreases your employees' efficiency, lowers tenant satisfaction, and leaves you open to liability issues. Added together this can cost you big money. PackageTrak increases employee efficiency and tenant satisfaction while lowering your liability, ultimately creating higher retention rates and more profit for you.

About KeyTrak, Inc.

KeyTrak is the world's leading provider of systems that manage keys, assets and the people that use them. Keeping track of the dynamic changes in the marketplace KeyTrak is constantly moving forward to provide the best business solutions for key and asset management security. KeyTrak helps businesses enhance the security of their operations while improving productivity, reducing costs and providing peace of mind. KeyTrak systems provide a safe, organized way to house keys for car dealerships, apartment communities, hospitals, military bases, government facilities, hotels, schools and commercial properties. For more information about KeyTrak, visit or call 866-563-8483.