Solutions for RV Dealerships
Protect Your Inventory and Reduce Liability
With surging inflation, the RVs sitting on your lot are quickly rising in value, making them attractive targets to thieves. If someone steals a vehicle from your lot and injures someone in an accident or if a customer’s motorhome is stolen while in for service, you could be held liable.
You likely already have security measures such as gates and cameras. However, to further reduce your liability and insurance costs, it’s also important to protect RV keys. Securing your keys in KeyTrak’s electronic key controls systems demonstrates that you prioritize security and helps you hold employees accountable as well.
Secure Your Keys With KeyTrak
The KeyTrak Edge system helps you avoid unexpected costs associated with lost keys or misused vehicles. Its time-tested key control and auditing functions help you optimize your operations and improve security. When you’re on the go, the mobile app allows you to reserve keys in advance and manage the system remotely.
If you have a small inventory, the KeyTrak EdgeSL system gives you access to secure key control without the extra cost of capacity or features you won't use.

KeyTrak Edge
- Secure and track your inventory keys.
- Know who checked out a key, when, and why.
- Reserve the keys you need ahead of time.
- Avoid lost keys and replacement costs.
- Automatically authenticate users with a fingerprint reader, QR code login, and more.
- Capture video footage of activity near the system with our motion-activated security camera (optional).
- Manage your keys right from your desk with KeyTrak Edge Remote.
- Set up automatic reports and alerts.

KeyTrak Mobile App
- Check key and vehicle status on the go.
- View system activity and reports.
- Access keys via secure touchless login.
- Transfer a key to another user without checking it in at the main system first.

KeyTrak EdgeSL
- Secure and track up to 96 keys.
- Save space with a smaller system footprint.
- Automatically authenticate users with the included fingerprint reader.
- Capture video footage of system transactions with the included security camera.
- Track key activity with a curated set of key control reports for smaller operations.